PIN Creative

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The secret to creativity? There isn't one.

The secret to creativity? There isn't one.

Many people working in creative businesses will have come across James Webb Young’s book “A technique for producing ideas” (published in 1940 and still relevant over 80 years later).

I first read this slim volume (60 pages, big type) 15 years ago whilst working at The Partners, and was reminded about it last week as Nick Eagleton (Creative Director) gave a seminar entitled “Ideas, Ideas, Ideas” to a vast crowd of enthusiastic designers at the D&AD Festival.

Even if you’ve haven't read the book, then you’ll be instantly familiar with the five key principles, although perhaps too preoccupied to consciously put them into practice regularly.

If you’re too busy to read the book (which you should be) then here are the nut-shells in a nut-shell.

Step 1 Gather

As well as gaining specific insights into your product/service/consumer - always look to gain wider general knowledge. Read more. See more. Do more.

I read The Guardian, keep notebooks, use the internet!

Step 2 Think

Capture every idea, as many ideas as possible. Focus on the bigger picture not just the finer details. Nothing is wrong. Do it individually. Do it in groups. Just don’t stop.

I love a post-it-note (try and use a thick pen though).

Step 3 Forget

Incubate ideas by doing something else to stimulate your imagination. You’ll continue to work on the problem, even in sleep mode. Get away from your desk. Take up a hobby.

I generally distract myself by listening to music and cataloguing vinyl.

Step 4 Connect ideas

Whilst the notion of ideas suddenly appearing isn’t a proven science, try and recognise the relationship of existing thoughts to create new ideas to achieve your own “Eureka!” moment.

I’ve seen the birth of many great ideas in client workshops (which helps buy-in later).

Step 5 Craft

Make it beautiful and share your ideas. Allow criticism to shape and develop your thinking, they may not be fully formed but fresh input and patience can develop even better ideas.

I prefer working with teams, doing everything yourself can be limiting.

So that’s it. No big secrets at all.
Grab a copy of the book if you want the full story (Amazon £6.50).
Or grab some post-it-notes if you’re ready to just get going.

James Webb Young
A Technique for Producing Ideas
Published 1965

Buy it from Amazon here

Tagged: #insight

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